Monday, September 8, 2014


 I spent a good portion of today laying on a rock overlooking Lake Monroe, rereading Sidhartha.
So of course I feel amazing. A day well spent if ever there was one...

Within Siddhartha there slowly grew and ripened the knowledge of what wisdom really was and the goal of his long seeking. It was nothing but a preparation of the soul, a capacity, a secret art of thinking, feeling and breathing thoughts of unity at every moment of life.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Dating. The man with the glassy eyes

Every once in a while you meet someone who you aren't quite sure about. Their efforts to charm you are a little too great, their stare lingers a little too long. They don't just hint of drama, it's more like (their) drama occupies the entire conversation. Their movements and words are flamboyant and histrionic. Their compliments and flattery excessive. Their words and opinions change with whatever they sense it is that you want to hear.

When you meet this person, your gut or intuition will tell you something is wrong.

But you might not listen. You might be the compassionate sort of soul who believes there is good in everyone. You might be drawn to the excitement of a hint of danger. You may think-" maybe some of this intensity and vitality I sense, will rub off on me." You might be drawn in by their talents and skills. The fact that this person is, ostensibly, trying to make you feel good may get to you. Because, after all, you do want to feel good.

And he knows this.

I'm telling you right now, though. If there's anytime when you should listen to your gut. It's before this person is able to make you feel good, for too long.

Because this, the man with the glassy eyes, is the person who will also make you feel pain, and doesn't know empathy. This is someone who will evaluate your every weakness and exploit it. This is the person who does not care about you beyond what you can provide to him.

When you meet someone with an unsettling stare who tells you how amazing you are, how they've been in several different abusive relationships (so you should feel for them), and tries to get you to open up about your deepest secrets upon first meeting....

Stop them right there. No one needs this person in their life. This person only has the capacity to love you in as much as you help him love himself. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

David Foster Wallace on Achievment in America

From this interview:

"A lot that is in my life or my friends lives that seems true or interesting involves double-binds or set ups where you're given two alternatives which are mutually exclusive and the sacrifices involved in either seem unacceptable. One of the big ones is that the culture places a huge premium on achievement... How both to work hard enough and invest enough really to achieve something yet retain the sort of integrity so that you have a self apart from your achievement. Even something as banal as that the modern woman can have it all. She can have a family and a deep, fulfilling relationship with her children while being a CEO of a successful company. It's as if the culture is some zen teacher whacking us no matter what we do. It's very interesting."